Curiosity is a distinctive quality of human beings, which is why it is unnatural to limit ourselves and become specialists in only one subject. If you want to be a chef and a lawyer, you can. If you like art and science, you can do both. The only thing that is constant in this world is change, and what you like today you may not like tomorrow. Therefore, it is best to learn a little bit of everything, and if you feel that something new interests you, go for it!
PRPDG Glossary:
Self-education– It’s everything that a person learns on their own, and it is an essential part in the development of a human being since it motivates us to investigate and venture into the unknown.
In this blog we will be sharing the best 5 ways for learning, so that you can study any subject that catches your attention:
- Online academies- This option is perhaps one of the most recommended, since they are platforms that function as online schools where you can look for the courses that interest you, enroll, learn from the comfort of your own home, and in occasions, you could receive a certificate upon completion. They are a great option if you are looking to update your resume because who doesn’t want to add new skills? Some of the best online academies are Coursera, edX (with courses from Harvard, MIT, and other Ivy League schools), ItunesU, and Udemy. Another well know website is LinkedIN Learning which also has courses available.
- Youtube– It’s a whole other world, and here you will find channels about whatever topic you could possibly think of. It is a great platform if you want to learn how something works. You can learn a new language, recipes, exercises, programs, art, news, entertainment, and anything else you can imagine. Youtube also has videos that discuss all types of professional development subjects such as marketing, graphic design, human resources, science, math, communications, entrepreneurship, etc. Some examples of popular channels are TED, Crash Course and Skillshare.
- Books- Just because it’s a more traditional approach, that doesn’t mean that it is less useful. Whether they be physical or electronic, they have been considered for years as the primordial source of knowledge. If they are physical, they have the advantage of permanence, because you can write notes on them and go back to re-read them whenever you want, which is an essential part in the process of learning. Generally, the best thing about electronic books (eBooks) is that you can find them anywhere at any time, which is why accessibility is their great advantage. You can read them on your tablet, laptop or phone without having to carry a heavy book around if you buy them through websites such as IBooks, Amazon, and Barnes and Nobles.
- Podcasts- When you find yourself driving somewhere, we recommend that you listen to a podcast every once in a while instead of music. Podcasts are digital audio files that are available to download on the internet, and usually they are divided into series or episodes. You can listen to them on Spotify, Apple, Google, IHeart Radio, and Ivoox so you can learn about many different topics.
- Seminars- Another tip is to follow Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and Twitter pages of several universities, organizations, or institutions dedicated to education, since many of them offer informative sessions or live videos about relevant subjects. One example is University of Sagrado Corazón and Sagrado Global, as well as Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico, and the Division of Continuing Education from the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras campus.

• It is important that you keep educating yourself because this will give you a competitive advantage. If you are in a job interview, the recruiter will see that you have initiative and that you are aware of the changes going on in your field.
• Another advantage of self-education is that it can make a difference in the decision process if the recruiter is stuck between choosing you or another person. Maybe you don’t necessarily have the experience that is needed, but if they see in your resume that you like to learn by yourself and that you possess knowledge in different areas, your chances of being chosen will increase.
• Our hard skills are those that can be measured and proven, while on the other hand, soft skills are harder to measure because they are somewhat intangible. Some examples of soft skills are leadership, customer service, verbal and written communication, and analytical/critical thinking. If you commit to educating yourself, you will be able to develop any type of ability, including soft skills. New trends in the recruitment sector indicate that companies are considering soft skills as a crucial element when choosing the ideal candidate, due to their importance in the workplace for establishing connections and relationships that lead to opportunities. One example of an organization dedicated to developing communication and leadership skills is Toastmaster’s.