If someone asked you what you are good at, would you know the answer? You may have no idea what talent or skill you can take advantage of. It is also normal to think things like: “I would really enjoy a change of environment!” or “What industry would really be the best for me?” First of all, you must give yourself credit for having that desire to improve, and to seek that place where you will truly succeed (professionally and personally). According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, “expertise” is: “the subject area about which a person knows a lot”. Therefore, it does not consist solely of your daily tasks at work, but can also be composed of your studies, hobbies, and other extracurricular activities. In other words, it is a combination of everything you know and can do.
According to Forbes magazine, to find out what area or industry you belong in, you can ask yourself the following initial questions:
1. What topic or topics do you know about? More than some people around you.
2. What have you been doing for a long time, and would feel comfortable explaining to someone else?
3. What do you know how to do that could improve the lives of others, or would help them in some way?
Be sure to write your answers on a piece of paper so that you can analyze your situation.
On the other hand, you can develop a list of:
• Your soft skills
• Hard skills
•Technical skills
• Hobbies
• University studies
•Seminar courses
• Tasks you do in your current job
• Tasks you did in past jobs
This will allow you to see more clearly which aspects or keywords are repeated in your lists.
In addition to this, we consider that an essential part of the process is that you identify what you like about your current job (if you have one) and what you do not like. You can also analyze in your resume all the opportunities that you have had so far, and then decipher which of the responsibilities or tasks that you had were the most that you enjoyed. This must already be giving you a clue as to where you could truly belong. Anyway, ask yourself this: What do you like to do, and what could see yourself doing for the rest of your life? What kind of work would you get up for at 7am, every day, with a smile on your face? What work really fulfills you, or completes you as an individual? It doesn’t have to be just one thing, but it is likely that you have more than one passion in life. When you can answer these questions, then you will have a clearer vision of where to go.
On the other hand, there are also websites where you can take tests (self-assessments) to identify those skills and how they can benefit you. An example of this type of website is: https://www.careeronestop.org/ExploreCareers/Assessments/skills.aspx
Through different tools, it will allow you to evaluate what jobs you could have / do with the skills you currently have.
Remember that, especially nowadays, no one stays in a job for long, be it out of boredom, the type of environment, or the lack of flexibility it offers. It is a thing of the past to stay in a company for 15+ years, since new generations are growing up with different values and priorities. Beginning with millennials, young people are realizing that at the end of the day, we work to live but we do not live to work. Therefore, your expertise can take you to different places and jobs, and there is nothing wrong with moving around or experimenting in order to find out.